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Inserting Switches

This tutorial teaches you how to insert switches on your drawing.

Open drawing E-1.1.

Insert Switches​

  1. Run the Insert Switch command. The Insert Switch dialog box will open.
    Ribbon: DM Electrical→Devices→  Insert Switch
    Pulldown Menu: DM Electrical→Switches→Insert Switch

  2. Press the button to close the dialog box.

  3. Follow the prompts at the command line to insert a switch on the drawing.

  4. Run the Insert Switch command. The Insert Switch dialog box will open.
    Ribbon: DM Electrical→Devices→  Insert Switch
    Pulldown Menu: DM Electrical→Switches→Insert Switch

  5. Set Group to a.

  6. Press the button to close the dialog box.

  7. Follow the prompts at the command line to insert a switch on the drawing.