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Inserting Diffusers

This tutorial teaches you how to insert diffusers on your drawing.

Open drawing M-1.0.

Insert Diffusers​

  1. Run the Insert Diffuser command. The Insert Diffuser dialog box will open.
    Ribbon: DM HVAC→Diffusers→  Insert Diffuser
    Pulldown Menu: DM HVAC→Diffusers→Insert Diffuser

  2. Set Callout to CD-1.

  3. Press the button to close the dialog box.

  4. Follow the prompts at the command line to insert diffusers on the drawing.

The Insert Diffuser command allows you to insert multiple diffusers on the drawing. You can also create additional diffusers by using the standard CAD COPY command.

Repeat this process to insert diffuser RG-1 on the drawing.