Insert Pipe Symbol Project Schedule

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Design Master Plumbing tracks the pipe symbols used in a project and is capable of generating a schedule showing the symbols.  To insert the pipe symbol schedule onto a drawing file, select:

DM Plumbing4 Pipe Symbols 4 Insert Pipe Symbol Project Schedule

The Select Pipe Symbol Group dialog box will appear.

insert pipe symbol schedule - select group

Select the pipe symbol group whose schedule you wish to insert and press OK.

The Insert Pipe Symbol Project Schedule dialog box will appear.

insert pipe symbol schedule - insert schedule

Schedule Notes:  this field allows you to type notes that are then inserted at the bottom of the printed schedule.

insert pipe symbol schedule - schedule notes

Edit Column Labels and Order:  takes you to the Schedule Label Display and Order dialog box. See the Edit Pipe Symbol Schedule Project List section for more information.

Show Unused Pipe Symbols:  this toggle allows you to decide if you want to include unused pipe symbols in the printed schedule or not.  If you uncheck the box the schedule will only display pipe symbols that have been used on the project.

Press OK when you are ready to insert the scheduled.  If this is the first time you are inserting the schedule you will be prompted to specify an insertion point.  Click on the drawing where you want the top-left corner of the schedule to be located.  If this is not the first time you are inserting the schedule it will redraw over the old one with updated values.

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