Pipe Calculations

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Design Master Plumbing is able to track water and gas flow throughout an entire pipe system.  While the software does not convert these flow values into a pipe size, it does ensure that the designer never has an incorrect flow measurement when sizing pipe manually.  Common flow designations include fixture units, gallons per minute, and cubic feet per hour, but users can define any flow designation necessary for their design.  To learn more about customizing pipe flow categories, see the Pipe Flow Categories section.

Flow values are entered on individual sections of pipe and fixtures.  Once they are entered the designer can run a calculation to total them in a system.  To calculate flow values, select:

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You will be asked to Select pipe in the system to calculate flows in:

Click on the pipe system you wish to calculate.  You do not have to select the first pipe in the system to calculate the entire pipe run. 

The software will sum the flow in the pipe system and store the value in the database.

To view the flow value in a specific section of pipe you will use the Query Pipe command.

Page url: http://www.designmaster.biz/support/plumbing/manual/index.html?pipe_calculations.htm