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Project Information
Project Name: Demo Building
Project Location: Seattle
Default Heating Temperature: 75° F Heating Safety Factor: 0%
Default Cooling Temperature: 75° F Cooling Safety Factor: 0%
Default Relative Humidity: 50% Floor Slab Heat Loss Coefficient: 0.54
Design Conditions
OSA Low: 21° F Latitude: 48° N
OSA Daily Range: 26° F Elevation: 400'
OSA High Dry Bulb OSA High Wet Bulb
July 88° F 69° F

Roof Types
Roof Type U-Value ASHRAE Type Color Description
R19 in Attic 0.0526 2 Dark Insulation on attic floor, R19
Room Number Type Area
101 R19 in Attic 1,290 ft2
102 R19 in Attic 921 ft2
103 R19 in Attic 271 ft2
105 R19 in Attic 271 ft2
107 R19 in Attic 253 ft2

Wall Types
Wall Type U-Value ASHRAE Type Color Description
BRK - GWB - R19 0.053 14 Dark Brick - GWB - R19
Room Number Length Height Area (Minus Doors and Glass) Type Facing Direction On Perimeter Shading
101 25'-8" 10'-0" 192 ft2 BRK - GWB - R19 E X None
101 9'-8" 10'-0" 73 ft2 BRK - GWB - R19 N X None
101 9'-8" 10'-0" 73 ft2 BRK - GWB - R19 W X None
101 41'-6" 10'-0" 263 ft2 BRK - GWB - R19 S X None
102 37'-2" 10'-0" 279 ft2 BRK - GWB - R19 E X None
103 15'-5" 10'-0" 116 ft2 BRK - GWB - R19 W X None
103 17'-7" 10'-0" 132 ft2 BRK - GWB - R19 S X None
105 5'-2" 10'-0" 39 ft2 BRK - GWB - R19 N X None
105 15'-5" 10'-0" 116 ft2 BRK - GWB - R19 W X None
107 21'-2" 10'-0" 159 ft2 BRK - GWB - R19 W X None

Door Types
Door Type U-Value ASHRAE Type Color Description
Steel, Ins 0.3 2 Dark Steel, insulated
Room Number Area Type Facing Direction Shading
101 48 ft2 Steel, Ins S None

Glass Types
Glass Type U-Value SC Description
Al, DG, 1/2", LE, F 0.47 1 Aluminum Double glazing, 1/2" air space, w/o thermal break, low E = .1, fixed
Room Number Area Type Facing Direction Shading
101 64 ft2 Al, DG, 1/2", LE, F E None
101 24 ft2 Al, DG, 1/2", LE, F N None
101 24 ft2 Al, DG, 1/2", LE, F W None
101 104 ft2 Al, DG, 1/2", LE, F S None
102 93 ft2 Al, DG, 1/2", LE, F E None
103 39 ft2 Al, DG, 1/2", LE, F W None
103 44 ft2 Al, DG, 1/2", LE, F S None
105 13 ft2 Al, DG, 1/2", LE, F N None
105 39 ft2 Al, DG, 1/2", LE, F W None
107 53 ft2 Al, DG, 1/2", LE, F W None

Room Information, Part 1
Number Name Area Ceiling
Ventilation Infiltration Heating
101 Lobby 1,290 ft2 8'-0" 15 CFM / Person 193 CFM 0.25 AC / Hour 43 CFM Default Default Default
102 Meeting 921 ft2 8'-0" 0.5 CFM / ft2 461 CFM 0 AC / Hour 0 CFM Default Default Default
103 Office 271 ft2 8'-0" 15 CFM / Person 41 CFM 0.25 AC / Hour 9 CFM Default Default Default
105 Office 271 ft2 8'-0" 15 CFM / Person 41 CFM 0.25 AC / Hour 9 CFM Default Default Default
107 Office 253 ft2 8'-0" 15 CFM / Person 38 CFM 0.25 AC / Hour 8 CFM Default Default Default
Room Information, Part 2
Number Lighting Load Equipment Load People Construction
Sensible Latent Sensible / Person Latent / Person
101 2 Watts / ft2 2,580 Watts 1 Watts / ft2 645 Watts 100 ft2 / Person 13 People 230 btuh 230 btuh B
102 2 Watts / ft2 2,026 Watts 0 Watts 10 ft2 / Person 92 People 230 btuh 230 btuh B
103 1 Watts / ft2 271 Watts 1 Watts / ft2 136 Watts 100 ft2 / Person 3 People 230 btuh 230 btuh B
105 1 Watts / ft2 271 Watts 1 Watts / ft2 136 Watts 100 ft2 / Person 3 People 230 btuh 230 btuh B
107 1 Watts / ft2 253 Watts 1 Watts / ft2 126 Watts 100 ft2 / Person 3 People 230 btuh 230 btuh B

Zone Definitions
Zone Room
BLDG 101

Supply Air Requirements
Location Peak Currently Supplied Minimum Required Cooling Heating Outside Air
Month Time
Room 101 July 2:00 PM 1,350 CFM 1,923 CFM 55° F 1,923 CFM 20° F dT 781 CFM 193 CFM
Room 102 July 9:00 AM 0 CFM 2,122 CFM 55° F 2,122 CFM 20° F dT 321 CFM 460 CFM
Room 103 July 3:00 PM 300 CFM 653 CFM 55° F 653 CFM 20° F dT 237 CFM 40 CFM
Room 105 July 5:00 PM 300 CFM 529 CFM 55° F 529 CFM 20° F dT 170 CFM 40 CFM
Room 107 July 5:00 PM 330 CFM 633 CFM 55° F 633 CFM 20° F dT 169 CFM 37 CFM
Zone BLDG July 3:00 PM 2,280 CFM 5,229 CFM 55° F 5,229 CFM 20° F dT 1,681 CFM 770 CFM
Project Total July 3:00 PM 2,280 CFM 5,229 CFM 55° F 5,229 CFM 20° F dT 1,681 CFM 770 CFM

Heating Load Detail (btuh / % of System Total)
Location System Total Ventilation Room Total Roof Wall Glass Floor Infiltration Safety Factor
Room 101 27,759 11,121 40.1% 16,638 3,661 13.2% 2,495 9% 5,488 19.8% 2,523 9.1% 2,471 8.9% 0 0%
Room 102 33,325 26,473 79.4% 6,852 2,616 7.8% 797 2.4% 2,356 7.1% 1,083 3.2% 0 0% 0 0%
Room 103 7,393 2,340 31.7% 5,053 769 10.4% 708 9.6% 2,094 28.3% 962 13% 520 7% 0 0%
Room 105 5,976 2,340 39.2% 3,636 769 12.9% 441 7.4% 1,306 21.9% 600 10% 520 8.7% 0 0%
Room 107 5,790 2,177 37.6% 3,613 715 12.3% 454 7.8% 1,344 23.2% 617 10.7% 483 8.3% 0 0%
Zone BLDG 80,243 44,451 55.4% 35,792 8,530 10.6% 4,895 6.1% 12,588 15.7% 5,785 7.2% 3,994 5% 0 0%
Project Total 80,243 44,451 55.4% 35,792 8,530 10.6% 4,895 6.1% 12,588 15.7% 5,785 7.2% 3,994 5% 0 0%

Cooling Load Detail, Part 1 (btuh / % of System Total)
Location System Total Ventilation Room Total Infiltration Roof Wall Glass Floor
Sensible Latent Sensible Latent
Room 101 49,103 2,516 5.1% 1,559 3.2% 45,028 559 1.1% 351 0.7% 4,813 9.8% 1,028 2.1% 21,340 43.5% 0 0%
Room 102 68,768 -764 -1.1% 3,712 5.4% 65,820 0 0% 0 0% 1,211 1.8% 191 0.3% 15,132 22% 0 0%
Room 103 15,753 563 3.6% 328 2.1% 14,862 125 0.8% 73 0.5% 1,069 6.8% 164 1% 10,794 68.5% 0 0%
Room 105 12,960 450 3.5% 328 2.5% 12,182 100 0.8% 73 0.6% 983 7.6% 106 0.8% 8,283 63.9% 0 0%
Room 107 15,119 419 2.8% 305 2% 14,395 93 0.6% 68 0.4% 914 6% 126 0.8% 10,743 71.1% 0 0%
Zone BLDG 156,865 10,700 6.8% 6,232 4% 139,933 960 0.6% 565 0.4% 11,850 7.6% 1,804 1.2% 50,806 32.4% 0 0%
Project Total 156,865 10,700 6.8% 6,232 4% 139,933 960 0.6% 565 0.4% 11,850 7.6% 1,804 1.2% 50,806 32.4% 0 0%
Cooling Load Detail, Part 2 (btuh / % of System Total)
Location System Total Room Total Lighting Equipment People Safety Factor
Sensible Latent Sensible Latent
Room 101 49,103 45,028 8,804 17.9% 2,201 4.5% 0 0% 2,966 6% 2,966 6% 0 0%
Room 102 68,768 65,820 6,916 10.1% 0 0% 0 0% 21,185 30.8% 21,185 30.8% 0 0%
Room 103 15,753 14,862 926 5.9% 463 2.9% 0 0% 624 4% 624 4% 0 0%
Room 105 12,960 12,182 926 7.1% 463 3.6% 0 0% 624 4.8% 624 4.8% 0 0%
Room 107 15,119 14,395 861 5.7% 430 2.8% 0 0% 580 3.8% 580 3.8% 0 0%
Zone BLDG 156,865 139,933 18,433 11.8% 3,557 2.3% 0 0% 25,979 16.6% 25,979 16.6% 0 0%
Project Total 156,865 139,933 18,433 11.8% 3,557 2.3% 0 0% 25,979 16.6% 25,979 16.6% 0 0%

Load Summary
Location Area Heating Cooling
System Total Room Total Peak System Total Room Total Checks
Month Time
Room 101 1,290 ft2 27,759 btuh 8.13 kW 16,638 btuh 4.87 kW July 2:00 PM 49,103 btuh 4.09 tons 45,028 btuh 3.75 tons 315 ft2 / ton 329 CFM / ton
Room 102 921 ft2 33,325 btuh 9.76 kW 6,852 btuh 2.01 kW July 10:00 AM 68,768 btuh 5.73 tons 65,820 btuh 5.49 tons 161 ft2 / ton 0 CFM / ton
Room 103 271 ft2 7,393 btuh 2.17 kW 5,053 btuh 1.48 kW July 3:00 PM 15,753 btuh 1.31 tons 14,862 btuh 1.24 tons 207 ft2 / ton 228 CFM / ton
Room 105 271 ft2 5,976 btuh 1.75 kW 3,636 btuh 1.07 kW July 5:00 PM 12,960 btuh 1.08 tons 12,182 btuh 1.02 tons 251 ft2 / ton 277 CFM / ton
Room 107 253 ft2 5,790 btuh 1.7 kW 3,613 btuh 1.06 kW July 5:00 PM 15,119 btuh 1.26 tons 14,395 btuh 1.2 tons 200 ft2 / ton 261 CFM / ton
Zone BLDG 3,006 ft2 80,243 btuh 23.51 kW 35,792 btuh 10.49 kW July 3:00 PM 156,865 btuh 13.07 tons 139,933 btuh 11.66 tons 230 ft2 / ton 174 CFM / ton
Project Total 3,006 ft2 80,243 btuh 23.51 kW 35,792 btuh 10.49 kW July 3:00 PM 156,865 btuh 13.07 tons 139,933 btuh 11.66 tons 230 ft2 / ton 174 CFM / ton