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Panels and Transformers (Distribution Equipment)

The tutorials in this section teach you how to work with panels and transformers.

Design Master Electrical refers to panels and transformers collectively as "distribution equipment." Distribution equipment includes more items than just panels and transformers. These tutorials cover just these two items, but the concepts work the same for other types of distribution equipment.

Here is a complete list of distribution equipment and the major differences in how the software uses them.

  • Panel: Circuits separated with odd on the left and even on the right. Multiple pole circuits use multiple circuit numbers.

  • Switchboard: Circuits are a single column numbered sequentially. Multiple pole circuits use a single circuit number.

  • Transformer: Has a primary and a secondary voltage.

  • Wireway: Like a switchboard, but does not have a bus or a main disconnect.

  • Bus Gutter / Bus Duct: Like a switchboard, but does not have a main disconnect.

  • Enclosed Breaker / Disconnect: Has a frame size and a breaker size. Commonly used when needing to model an item that is not explicitly listed as a type of distribution equipment.

  • UPS / Phase Inverter: Has a primary and secondary voltage. Has two feeders and can be connected to two sources.

  • Motor Control Center: Like a switchboard, but has a horizontal and a vertical bus. The circuits have a starter size and description.

  • Meter Center: Like a switchboard, but the size of the circuits is fixed. The starting phase rotates automatically in the circuits and cannot be changed.

  • Generator: Any source of power that is not the utility. Nothing can be connected to it. Does not have a feeder.

  • Transfer Switch: Has two feeders and can be connected to two sources.

  • Low Voltage Panel: A panel that low voltage devices can be connected to. Cannot otherwise be connected to anything else in the model.

  • Recurring Panel Template and Recurring Panel Instance: A panel that is repeated multiple times in a project. Commonly used for typical unit types in an apartment building.