Insert General Photometric Calculation Area
To insert a general area boundary on the drawing, go to
Ribbon:  Insert General Photometric Calculation Area
Pulldown Menu:
Insert Photometric Calculation Area Boundary Dialog Box​
See the Common Photometric Boundary Information section for information about the values in this dialog box.
Inserting the Calculation Area on the Drawing​
To insert the calculation area on the drawing, press the button. The settings you specified in the dialog box will be used for the area.
You will be prompted to draw the calculation area on the drawing.
Specify first point of calculation area or [<Select existing boundary>]:
First point of calculation area
Specify a point on the drawing. Continue specifying points on the drawing until the calculation area is complete. Press ENTER to finish drawing the calculation area. -
Select existing boundary
Press ENTER to draw the calculation area by tracing a polyline on the drawing. Specify the polyline on the drawing to be traced. You will be asked whether to erase the polyline after the calculation area is inserted.
You will then be prompted to insert the calculation schedule, group the calculation area with another area, or press ENTER to finish the command.
Specify insertion point for calculation schedule or point inside boundary to group with:
Insert the calculation schedule
To insert the calculation schedule, select a point on the drawing that is not inside of another calculation area. The calculation schedule will be inserted at the point specified. -
Group the area with another area or group
To group the area with another area or group, select a point on the drawing that is inside of another calculation area. The two calculation areas will be grouped. If the selected calculation area already has a calculation schedule on the drawing, that calculation schedule will be used for the group. If it does not have a calculation schedule, no calculation schedule will be used for the group. -
Finish the command
Press ENTER to finish the command without inserting a calculation schedule or grouping the calculation area with an area or group. No calculation schedule will be inserted and the calculation area will be in its own separate group.
Schedule title justification: Sets the justification for the schedule title.
Schedule column label justification: Sets the justification for column headings.
There are several options that set the default values for this dialog box. See the General Point-by-Point Photometrics Options section for more information.