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Neutrals cannot be added to or removed from feeders and branch circuits using ElectroBIM commands. Whether the software includes a neutral is based upon the Revit settings described below.

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Distribution Equipment

A neutral is included on the feeder to a piece of distribution equipment based upon the settings of the Distribution System chosen for the equipment.

You can modify the Distribution System settings using the Manage→MEP Settings→Electrical Settings command. From the tree on the left side of the dialog box, select Distribution Systems.

Configure the neutrals for your distribution systems using the table below.

Single Pole
Two Pole
NeutralPhase ▾ to Single
Wires ▾ to 2
Phase ▾ to Single
Wires ▾ to 3
L-G Voltage ▾ to not None
Phase ▾ to Three
Wires ▾ to 4
No NeutralN/APhase ▾ to Single
Wires ▾ to 3
L-G Voltage ▾ to None
Phase ▾ to Three
Wires ▾ to 3

Branch Circuits

Revit includes a neutral on branch circuits if the load is unbalanced or if the wiring type requires a neutral.

Edit the family of the device on the circuit, select the connector, and set the System Type to Power - Balanced or Power - Unbalanced as appropriate for the loads on the device.

To set the neutral requirement, use the Manage→MEP Settings→Electrical Settings command. From the tree on the left side of the dialog box, select Wiring→Wiring Types. For each wire type listed, check or uncheck the ☐ Neutral Required box as appropriate.

To set the Wire Type used to determine whether the branch circuit has a neutral, select a device connected to the circuit. Select the Electrical Circuits tab on the ribbon. In the Properties panel, you can change the Wire Type value.