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Single-Line Diagram Device Graphics

Allows you to customize the list of graphic families available to be used for equipment on the single-line diagram.

Opens the dme-equipment.txt file located in your customization folder:

The information is arranged in tab-delimited columns. Each section is separated by a heading row that begins with *.


When modifying the file, do not change the *META section, the first column, or any rows that begin with *.


This section is used to determine how graphic families are grouped and displayed in the Insert Create and Insert Link commands, and how model families are grouped and displayed in the Insert Create command.

  • ID: An identifying number associated with the equipment type. This number is used in other sections.

  • NAME: The name of the equipment type that is displayed in the Equipment Type ▾ field.

  • PARTTYPE: The model families loaded in the current project that will be displayed in the Model Family ☰ list, and the graphic family groups available based upon the Revit Part Type ▾ of the selected equipment.


    This value must be PANEL, TRANSFORMER, or OTHER.

    •  PANEL Equipment families that have their Part Type ▾ set to Panelboard, Other Panel, or Switchboard will be displayed.
    •  TRANSFORMER Equipment families that have their Part Type ▾ set to Transformer will be displayed. The Secondary Distribution System ▾ field will be available in the Insert Create command.
    •  OTHER Electrical fixtures, and equipment families that have their Part Type ▾ set to Equipment Switch, will be displayed.


This section is used to determine which graphic families are available to be selected.

  • NAME: The name of the graphic family that is displayed in fields and lists.

  • FILE: The file name of the graphic family displayed on the single-line diagram, not including the file extension.

  • TYPE: The Equipment Type ▾ under which the graphic family will be displayed in the Insert Create and Insert Link commands.

    This value corresponds to the ID column in the *TYPE section.


This section is used to organize the Model Family ☰ list in the Insert Create command.

  • FAMILY: The file name of the model family that is displayed in the Model Family ☰ list, not including the file extension.

  • TYPE: The group under which the model family will be displayed.

    This value corresponds to the ID column in the *TYPE section.

Using Excel to Modify Device Graphics​

When making several changes to the device graphics customization file, using Excel is recommended.

To edit the file, in Excel, run the Open command and browse to the dme-equipment.txt file located in your customization folder. You may need to filter the files by All Files or Text Files.

After selecting the file, a Text Import Wizard dialog box may appear. Press the button twice, then the button to use the default settings.


Each section is separated by a heading row that begins with *. When modifying the file, do not change the *META section, the first column, or any rows that begin with *.