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Design Master HVAC Tutorial

You are reading the tutorial for Design Master HVAC.

These tutorials teach you the basics of using the software. The Where to Learn More section at the end of the tutorial points you to the other resources we have available.

Tutorial Resources​

Download the tutorial drawing files.

The drawing files contained in this ZIP file are used in the tutorial. Extract the ZIP file to a folder where you can easily find it again.

Video Tutorial​

Videos are embedded throughout these tutorials so you can see each step performed. You can also watch the video tutorial series on YouTube.

Tutorial Sequence​

The tutorials are sequential and built on each other. It is simplest to follow them from start to finish.

If you start in the middle, the tutorial might reference items in the project that have not been created. You will need to create them manually or go back to the previous tutorials for instructions on how to create the missing items.

Getting Help​

Contact us if you need any help while working through the tutorials.

Our support hours are Monday through Friday, 9am to 5pm Eastern time.

Call 866-516-9497 x2, email, or contact us via live chat.