This section describes the commands available for obtaining support, maintaining current licenses, and installing software updates.
Common Help Information
You are prompted to provide the following information when sending us a support request. We use this information to respond to your support request.
Name: Your name.
Email Address: Your email address. If possible, we will respond to your support request by email.
Phone Number: Your phone number. If we need additional information beyond what we can gather by email, we will call you.
Additional Information: A description of the problem you are having. The more information you can provide about your problem, the more likely we will be able to solve it for you. For example, specific devices that exhibit the problem you are having.
📄️ User Manual
To open the Design Master HVAC User Manual (which you are currently viewing), go to
📄️ Tutorial
To open the Design Master HVAC Tutorial, go to
📄️ Knowledge Base
To open the Design Master HVAC Knowledge Base, go to
📄️ Remote Support
The Remote Support command allows us to connect to your computer over the internet. We will be able to see your screen and perform actions on your computer.
📄️ Send Project to Design Master Support
The Send Project to Design Master Support command is used to send us the current drawing and the associated Design Master HVAC database. Providing us with your project helps us recreate the problem you are having and find a solution to it. It is our preferred way for you to report a problem or ask a question. Many problems are specific to a project and having that immediately helps us assist you.
📄️ Go to Design Master Support Website
To open the Design Master support website, go to
📄️ Send Email to Design Master Support
To send an email to us, go to
📄️ Send Master and Standards Databases to Design Master Support
The Send Master and Standards Databases to Design Master Support command is used to send us your master standards customization database files. We will occasionally ask for these files when helping you solve problems related to your customization.
📄️ Set Email Address
The Set Email Address command is used to set your default email address and other contact information used when sending support cases to us.
📄️ Installation Settings
To view and modify the installation settings, go to
📄️ Update Local Install from Network
The Update Local Install from Network command is used to update the program files on your computer from the program files on the network if you have a network install or network laptop install.
📄️ Check for Updates
The Check for Updates command compares the version of Design Master HVAC you have installed with the latest version that is available on our website. You will be given instructions for installing a newer version if one is available.
📄️ Install Patch
To install a software patch, go to
📄️ Install License
The Install License command is used to activate the license for Design Master HVAC.
📄️ About
To view general information about the Design Master HVAC software, go to