Layer Management
This section describes the commands available to help you manage your layers. All of the layers created and used are standard CAD layers and can be managed using standard CAD commands. These commands are included for your convenience, but are not necessary. Everything you can do with these commands can be done with standard CAD commands.
These commands specifically change the On setting for the layers, toggling them between On and Off. The Freeze setting for the layers is not changed.
If you run these commands while in a paper space viewport, the VP Freeze setting will be changed as well. This can be helpful when setting up drawings to display only the 2D or 3D layers in a specific viewport. You can use the Turn Double Line Layers On (and 3D Layers Off) command in the viewport that should display the 2D ductwork and the Turn 3D Layers on (and Double Line Layers Off) command in the viewport that should display the 3D ductwork. You can then return to model space and use the Turn Double Line and 3D Layers On command to display both the 2D and 3D ductwork. You can continue to update both the 2D and 3D drafting while you design, but only have the desired view shown in each viewport.
📄️ Turn Duct Centerlines On
The Turn Duct Centerlines On command turns duct centerline layers on. These layers are typically on a non-plotting layer that will not appear on your printed drawings. It is often helpful during the design to turn these centerlines on and off to see what your final drawing will look like.
📄️ Turn Duct Centerlines Off
The Turn Duct Centerlines Off command turns duct centerline layers off. These layers are typically on a non-plotting layer that will not appear on your printed drawings. It is often helpful during the design to turn these centerlines on and off to see what your final drawing will look like.
📄️ Turn Double Line and 3D Layers On
The Turn Double Line and 3D Layers On command turns the double line and 3D ductwork layers on.
📄️ Turn Double Line and 3D Layers Off
The Turn Double Line and 3D Layers Off command turns the double line and 3D ductwork layers off.
📄️ Turn Double Line Layers On (and 3D Layers Off)
The Turn Double Line Layers On (and 3D Layers Off) command turns the double line ductwork layers on and turns the 3D ductwork layers off.
📄️ Turn 3D Layers On (and Double Line Layers Off)
The Turn 3D Layers On (and Double Line Layers Off) command turns the double line ductwork layers off and turns the 3D ductwork layers on.
📄️ Turn Room Layers On
The Turn Room Layers On command turns the room outline and room label layers on. These layers are typically on a non-plotting layer that will not appear on your printed drawings. It is often helpful during the design to turn these layers on and off to see what your final drawing will look like.
📄️ Turn Room Layers Off
The Turn Room Layers Off command turns the room outline and room label layers off. These layers are typically on a non-plotting layer that will not appear on your printed drawings. It is often helpful during the design to turn these layers on and off to see what your final drawing will look like.