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Forgotten HVAC Feature: IFC Export

Friday, October 1st, 2010

In our Design Master and Revit article, we talked about using IFC files for 3D-BIM coordination in the next release of Design Master. Did you know that you can do this today using Design Master HVAC? You can export a 3D model of your ductwork in IFC format that can be used for collision detection with architects using Revit, Navisworks, or Sketchup.

We snuck this feature in to the last release at the very last minute. We discovered we were able to move some of our code from the upcoming release back to the 64-bit release and get an IFC export for DM HVAC very easily. The next release makes the export a little easier to use and adds some missing elements (like duct hangers), but what you have right now is completely usable for projects requiring 3D coordination.