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Design Master Electrical RT 1.4.7

Released April 17, 2020.

We have made several changes to the "Circuit Description" feature to make it more stable and consistent.

The intended workflow for circuit descriptions is for all changes to be made through the Design Master Electrical RT user interface, not through the Revit panel schedule or Revit shared parameters.

Previously, some workflows allowed changes made through Revit to be kept. This behavior was not intended and was lost when we recently fixed problems reported by some users regarding circuit descriptions. Circuit descriptions must now be set in Design Master Electrical RT and not in Revit.

For current projects, any circuit descriptions that have been set through Revit will be populated in the Description Replacement field of the Circuit Edit command.

To make editing circuit descriptions easier, we have also updated the Circuit Edit dialog box. You can now edit the circuit description using the grids in the middle of the dialog box, similar to the way you would edit them in the Revit panel schedule. Changes to the circuit description will update the Description Prefix, Description Suffix, or Description Replacement field in the Circuit Details section.

See the following resources for additional information on setting circuit descriptions: