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Design Master Electrical RT 1.4.8

Released May 29, 2020.

We made one more change to circuit descriptions. We added an option to turn off Design Master control of the circuit description. Revit will control the circuit description instead.

To change the option, go to DM Electrical->Customization->Options. The new option is Circuit description method. The choices are Use Revit circuit descriptions and Use Design Master circuit descriptions.

For projects that you have already used Design Master in, the option will be set to Use Design Master circuit descriptions.

For customization that was exported before this update, the customization will import with the option set to Use Design Master circuit descriptions.

For new projects, the option will be set to Use Revit circuit descriptions.

Using Design Master Circuit Descriptions on All Projects

If you want to continue to use Design Master circuit descriptions on all projects, you will need to make sure new projects are configured that way.

If you configure new projects by importing customization, you should not need to make any changes. The customization will import correctly.

If you configure new projects using a template, open the template and run the Options command. Confirm the option is set correctly to Use Design Master circuit descriptions.

Using Revit Circuit Descriptions on All Projects

If you want to use Revit circuit descriptions, you will need to update current projects and exported customization files.

For current projects, run the Options command. Change the option to Use Revit circuit descriptions.

For customization, start a new project, then import the customization. Run the Options command. Change the option to Use Revit circuit descriptions. Then export the customization again and overwrite your file.