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Labeling Ducts and Diffusers in Metric

Posted on November 1st, 2013. Last updated on June 14th, 2023.

This article explains how to label your ducts and diffusers using metric units. It requires changing a few settings in the Options dialog box.

You must do your design in imperial units. One unit on the drawing should be one inch. All ducts will be sized to even inches. This option will only change the units of the labels.

Ductwork Size Units

Go to the Ductwork section. Find the Rectangular duct label format, Round duct label format, and Oval duct label format options.

There are three different metric conversions you can set: inches to centimeters, inches to millimeters, or inches to soft millimeters. Soft millimeters will convert 1 inch to 25 millimeters.

This article will describe changing to the soft millimeter conversion. If you want one of the other conversion choices, see the Duct Label Format Codes section of the user manual for information on what values to use.

Change the options to the following values:

  • Rectangular duct label format: WMMSxDMMS
  • Round duct label format: DMMS%%C
  • Oval duct label format: WMMSxDMMS%%C

Diffuser Airflow Units

Go to the Diffusers section. Find the Diffuser CFM label format option.

  • Diffuser CFM label format: $LPS

Updating Your Drawings

To update your ductwork sizes, redraw the ductwork.

To update your diffuser labels, run the Coordinate Drawings and Database command.

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