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3D Drafting and BIM Compatibility

Turn to Design Master HVAC for your HVAC design and drafting solution. It generates a 3D model of your system.


3D drafting with programs like Revit is becoming more prevalent, which leaves mechanical engineers who design HVAC systems with two options: fully draft and design systems in a cumbersome BIM program (even if the project doesn’t require BIM features), or design systems in 2D and draft them separately in 3D. In both cases, this often results in significant amounts of time lost.

With Design Master, you get the best of both worlds: design and draft your layout in 2D, then easily export that layout to a 3D program for collision detection. IFC and DWG files are supported, so you can export to Navisworks or Revit. The software’s 3D functionality is also entirely optional – if your project doesn’t require it, you can design without it.

“Owners want BIM and that requirement is filtering down to all the consultants. Design Master enables us to keep those clients happy without using Revit.”

Mark Strickland
Strickland Engineering
Jackson, MO

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